a - z指数


在西北,网上赌博网站十大排行重视多样性和包容性. 网上赌博网站十大排行采用了包容性卓越框架,因为它将认识到包容性环境重要性的责任转移到了整个校园. 这个框架允许西北航空公司进行招聘, support and retain a diverse population while encouraging and acknowledging diversity of thought. It allows Northwest to address and enhance issues of race and help 关闭 equity gaps on campus. 最后, 该框架已被所有学者所接受, 校园行政和支持职能. 




Inclusive Excellence Action Plans for office areas on campus: 







  • 负责多元化和包容性的助理副总裁开始起草一份《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》. 的 strategic plan includes three top-level strategies of 教职员工 learning and outreach, 为学生提供获取和成功的途径, 教职员工, 创造包容的校园氛围. 的 strategic plan also introduces a 多样性 Scorecard, which provides a metric to measure diversity and inclusion throughout the institution.
  • 的 University enacted a President’s 多样性 and Inclusion Advisory Team, 种族问题行动小组, 以及一个黑人校友和朋友总统问责小组,将来自不同群体的代表聚集在一起, help actualize Northwest’s diversity and inclusion goals and objectives, and address cultural insensitivity as well as structural and systemic issues of bias and racism.
  • Northwest received a $1 million cash gift to establish the 凯伦L. 丹尼尔遗产基金, help Northwest provide a center for Black students and friends, 为黑人学生提供奖学金, and assist the University with its renewed focus on diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • 西北,8月. 1, deployed required diversity and inclusion training for all University employees and members of its boards; 99 percent of employees and 100 percent of board members completed the training by the Aug. 19日的最后期限. In addition to a required training component for Northwest students, the training is being made available to the Maryville R-II School District, city of Maryville and Nodaway County Commission and administration.
  • 西北创造了一个 熊猫股权报告表 鼓励学生和员工举报校园和玛丽维尔社区内的任何歧视事件. 熊猫公平计划是一个报告系统,学生和员工可以通过该系统报告歧视和偏见问题. 每个报告都由偏见应对小组审查.
  • 网上赌博网站十大排行进行了内部和外部审查,以使其多样性和包容性办公室符合标准促进委员会(CAS in Higher 教育)制定的国家标准。.
  • 网上赌博网站十大排行采用了包容性卓越框架来解决和加强种族问题,并帮助缩小校园内的公平差距.
  • 网上赌博网站十大排行委托Husch-Blackwell在董事会层面和教师手册中审查政策,以确保它们具有公平意识.



  • 战略规划建立了新的战略目标(so),其中两个重点是多样性和包容性:SO1.3 “Foster inclusive campus and 社区 environments; SO3.1 “Create and foster an inclusive environment where 教职员工 are engaged, 授权和重视.
  • In collaboration with the American Association of State 大学 and Universities (AASCU), 网上赌博网站十大排行的学生成功计划侧重于第一代学生,采取行动策略,解决对有色人种学生造成不成比例影响的特定障碍和需求. AASCU项目于今年2月启动, and its goal is to recognize blind spots and identify root causes that restrict progress, remove barriers to student success that signal institutional responsibility and ownership, align student success initiatives and institutional goals, and leverage learning into positive changes in policy and practice that improve equitable student outcomes. 
  • 大学重组了多元化和包容性办公室,并将该部门移至教务处. 股本, 重点关注教育法第九条, 艾达, 和第六章合规, was removed from the umbrella of diversity and inclusion and remains within 学生事务.
  • 10月, 该大学聘请了一名负责多元化和包容性的副教务长,调查阻碍未被充分代表的学生毕业率的系统性和制度性障碍. This includes DFWI disparities, affordability and sense of belonging.



  • 学生参议会投票决定为未被充分代表的学生增加五个投票职位,进一步加强网上赌博网站十大排行未被充分代表的群体的声音.
  • 2019-2020学年期间, Northwest increased the number of courses it offered related to diversity, 14 .公平和包容. Four of the courses are required for the diversity, 公平与包容 studies minor and the 10 courses are electives; 1,635 assignments or projects are assessed for the diversity, 公平和包容的学习成果.



  • In February, the Black 校友 and Friends chapter of the Northwest 校友 Association was chartered.
  • In 2017-2018, Student Senate created an Inclusion Committee to focus more efforts on diversity and inclusion programming, 包括参加全国会议,并在学生参议院层面解决与多样性和包容性有关的问题.
  • In 2017-2018, 多样性办公室, 公平与包容创造了肯特成功庆典以及薰衣草毕业典礼,以表彰那些坚持并从网上赌博网站十大排行毕业的弱势学生.
  • In 2017-2018, Northwest further strengthened implementation of the diversity, 通过Canvas学习管理系统对学生的成功进行衡量,从而实现公平和包容. 这包括创造多样性, 公平与包容 studies minor within the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.



  • 的 Board of Regents approved in April the creation of 多样性办公室, 公平与包容, replacing the Office of Multicultural Student Success, 并在西北领导团队的桌子上安装了一名副校长,并直接向大学校长汇报. 的 vice president facilitates University-wide responsibility and accountability for enhancing diversity, 公平和包容实践.
  • 的 Office of 多样性, 公平与包容 added a position for a second full-time coordinator.
  • 西北采用"做一只熊猫,这是一套对大学社区的期望,每年秋季提供给一年级学生,并每年进行审查.
  • In 2016-2017, 学生会在参议院设立了一个多元文化代表的职位,以使成员了解多元化办公室的各种举措和项目的最新情况, 公平与包容.



  • In August, Northwest implemented a Strategic Objective (SO) 3 action team. This cross-functional and diverse planning team was comprised of a 社区 member, 教师, 代表不同部门的教职员工和学生, departments and backgrounds to provide a robust engagement in improvement. This group spent six months evaluating the environment, 收集反馈, 收集数据, 确定目标并寻求解决方案. 的 SO3 team focused work on barriers affecting underrepresented students.
  • 与西北航空公司的战略计划一致, marketing and communication deepened its support of diversity and inclusion efforts in myriad ways, 包括大量媒体聚焦在代表性不足的学生和包容性营销中取得成功的个别榜样.
  • 大学战略规划伴随着一项学术总体规划,该规划以实施一套 机构学习成果 (ilo). 这七个国际劳工组织是西北核心通识教育计划的基础,并与课外计划保持一致. While all of the ILOs can support one’s role in a multicultural society, 一个致力于“多样性”的成果, 公平与包容” provides specific indicators of success and metrics for assessment.  
  • Student Senate passed a fee to support diversity, 公平与包容 efforts at Northwest. This fee is $2/credit hour with the purpose of improving campus diversity, 公平与包容 related to infrastructure and programming, 学生的机会和成功, and the overall learning and teaching environment. 



  • 多样性 and inclusion objectives were added to the University's strategic plan.



  • 在2013年和2014年的规划周期, 网上赌博网站十大排行越来越多地提出问题,集中在网上赌博网站十大排行的使命和战略目标,以及与加强多样性有关的教育必要性. We continued scanning the environment through both quantitative and qualitative inputs, 开放论坛, 焦点小组和讨论. 网上赌博网站十大排行对校园有着敏锐的认识, 社区, state and national trends spotlighting the need for a bold strategy in the areas of diversity, 公平与包容. 这次扫描突出了网上赌博网站十大排行需要提升网上赌博网站十大排行的战略,以支持学生的学习和发展, 教师, 员工和更大的社区.
  • In 2013-2014, 多元文化学生成功办公室从一名全职员工和一名研究生扩展到两名全职员工(主任和一名协调员)。.